A day at the track is a Grid Movement/Dice rolling 9 card game about horse racing. The game is made up of 9 double-sided cards that consist of different sections of the race track. As you move around the track you will move these card section around to produce a full race track. Each player has his own d6 and two tokens; one to represent his/her horse on the track and the other to represent the Jockey Boost token.
[9 cards] - on [1] A4 letter size Double sided PDF sheet
[1] - A4 Letter size Double sided PDF sheet - Rules
[4] - d6 dice [1 Green, 1 Blue, 1 Yellow and 1 Red]
[8] - Wood cubes - [2 Green, 2 Blue, 2 Yellow and 2 Red]
It's racing day is played in turns with each player rolling his/her d6 and moving his horse token the same number of spaces, as rolled on the d6, around the track. The player with the lowest die roll moves his/her horse token first, which also means that player could roll the lowest die and still cross the finish line before a player with a higher dice roll!
On each turn a player can decide to use one of his two Jockey Boost actions, which would allow the player to reroll his/her d6. If a player decides to take this action the move their Jockey Boost token on the 1st token space and rerolls their d6 die. The player MUST use this new roll, even if it is less than the previous roll, to move his/her horse token around the track. Each player is only allowed a maximum of two Jockey boosts per game.
As the players get closer to the finish line each die roll becomes critical. Since the player with the lowest die results moves first, this player could cross the finish line before a player who is closer but rolls a higher number!
If two or more players roll the same number they move there pieces at the same time. If those two or more players can all cross the finish line with their die results, the player that is closest to the finish line will cross first followed by the next closest player and so on.
The BLUE player is one space away from winning. The RED player is two spaces away from winning and the GREEN and YELLOW players are both three spaces away from winning. The following dice results are rolled: BLUE=5, GREEN=3, RED =3, and YELLOW=1. Since the YELLOW player rolled the lowest die roll he/she moves first but still doesn't cross the finish line. Since the BLUE player rolled the highest die roll he moves last. Now we come to the RED and GREEN players who both rolled 3, which means they move their horse tokens at the same time. Since the RED player is one space closer to the finish line, he/she ends up crossing the finish line one length ahead of the GREEN player. The results so far are RED player comes in 1st, the GREEN player comes in 2nd, and the BLUE and YELLOW players still need to take another turn to finish the race.
It's racing day can also be played with an ADVANCED race track layout by using the Hedge cards. Hedge cards add an hazardous obstacle to the game. Whenever a player tries to jump over a HEDGE space and they roll a 5 or 6, their speed is too fast, causing their horse to stumble and slow down. The player must immediately stop their horse token directly beyond the hedge space and lose their next turn. A player could avoid this roll by using their Jockey Boost action but if the second roll is low enough to prevent them from reaching the hedge, they would still have to roll again on the next turn to try and clear the hedge.
To win the game a player's horse token must be the first to pass the finish line before any other player! As each player passed the finish line they will place their horse token in the corresponding winners box. Each player continues to roll his d6 until he passes the finish line and his/her horse token is placed in one of the four winners boxes.