
A Dash of Peiper (2010)

Rank: 18098
2 Players
0-30 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.53/5

Designer: Paul Rohrbaugh

Publisher: Against the Odds, LPS, Inc.

This is the seventh game in the Pocket Battle Games series from LPS, Inc.

This game is issued free by ATO and other wargaming companies and recreates 1st SS Panzer Division's westward dash during the Battle of the Bulge. A deck of cards is used to determine the number of activations each player gets as well as combat results.

The game features bridge demolition, off board artillery, terrain effects and supply.

The game lasts 5 turns and the German player wins by exiting 4 units off of the west map edge, otherwise the American player wins.

(Owners may request a die-cut set of counters free with a purchase at the Against the Odds website.)

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