Designer: Maureen Hiron
Artist: Othmar Geser
Publisher: AG Müller (AGMüller), ASS Altenburger Spielkarten, U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The object of the game is to be the first to score 77 points by winning rounds by playing the highest value of cards. The deck consists of 49 cards numbered 1 through 7 in seven coloured suits. In each round each player lays a meld of matching number or matching suit from a hand of seven cards. Points are scored according to the number of cards played and the total points value of the meld. The player with the highest score wins that round and keeps all the cards played by all players. When the deck is exhausted each player adds the number of cards won from that deck to a running total, the deck is shuffled and the game continues until one player's running total reaches 77. At that point the game stops immediately with that player winning.
Es gilt, in jeder Runde eine möglichst wertvolle Kartenkombination auszuspielen, um Rundensieger zu werden. Denn als Rundensieger gewinnt man die ausgespielten Karten.