
7 Islands (2011)

Rank: 13504
1-4 Players
50 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 2.75/5

Designer: Hayato Kisaragi

Artist: Keita Komiyama

Publisher: One Draw

You are a captain heading a crew of pirates. At first, it is just a small band, but you will gradually expand it into a large company. The winner of the game is the one who has the most victory points when the game ends.

The system is like the system of Dominion. It's called "Deck building".

The object is a player collect the VP card by using a crew card, item card and a treasure card.
This cards are able to use any own turn. And the VP card is added as the more point card.

The difference of Dominion is a player use a markers and resource chips.
The player put Markers on island boards.

There are several "quests" on each island, and players put their markers on them. A quest is completed each time it has as many markers as it requires. When a quest is completed, the player who has his markers on it uses its effect.

● Arrange the Arena
To each player, give 7 Copper Coin cards, 2 Water cards and 1 Landing card; these 10 cards form his starting deck. If there are less than 4 players in the game, put the remaining Copper Coin? and ?Water? cards back in the box.

You do not use all cards or all island boards during one game. The cards you use are placed in the center of the table so that everyone can reach them; sort the cards according to their names and place them in separate face-up piles. The area with these card piles and the island board is called "the Arena."

All the Silver Coin, Gold Coin, Meat, Landing, and Exploration Action cards and the Medal Victory Point cards are used in any game. The number of Golden Medal cards that should be in a game is the number of players plus 2 (use 4 in a 2-player game, 5 in a 3-player game, etc.). Return the remaining Golden Medal cards to the box.

Then, choose 8 of the other 16 types of Action cards and one side of any island board you like. Place the board with the chosen side up in the Arena, thereby making it your "island." Place all the cards of the chosen types in separate face-up piles, and put all the resource chips beside your island. Finally, return the remaining types of cards and boards to the box.

■ When the Game Ends
The game ends if any of the following conditions exists at the end of a turn.

・Four of the card piles in the Arena have been exhausted (or 3 in a 2-player game).
・There are no Golden Medal cards in the Arena.
・Any player has 20 victory points or more from his VP chips.

Once the game ends, all players calculate their victory points and the player with the most points wins.

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