
60 Second Cocktail (2020)

This customer wants their drink. You've got 60 seconds.

Rank: --
2-4 Players
15-30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: Andrew Muhling

Publisher: partymeeple

Players all have a colour coded hand of four cards. This hand contains one spirit, one garnish, one mixer (like soda or tonic) and ice. Most of these cards have a time amount associated with them.

Each player plays one card in front of them face down until there are 4 cards on the table. Then, similar to Sculls n Roses, players may play a card or or bid on how many cards they can flip face up without busting out of 60 seconds. Once a bid has been made other players get a chance to up bid. A player must flip all their own cards first and then must flip other players cards top to bottom.

If you bust out over 60 seconds or fail to make a cocktail (no spirit). Your boss docks you one dollar (out of the game).

If you flip your bid without busting (and made a cocktail) you get a tip from the middle of the table. If your cocktail has two ice cards you get an extra tip

The game continues until the tips in the middle of the table are used up and the person with the most coins wins.. ..or there is only one player not washing glasses.

—description from the designer

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