6つの祭壇 (Muttsu no saidan) The Six Sacred Altars is a Japanese game for two players. During the game, players play cards to the table, trying to control the total value in play. The deck contains number cards and action cards which affect the results.
Each player is dealt 6 cards to their hand. They then take turns to either play a card face up or discard a card (drawing a new card from the deck each time), or discard all six cards and redraw.
Once six cards have been played, the round ends and the total worked out from the cards on the table.
If the total is equal or over 10, the start player (attacker) scores 2 points. Otherwise, the second player (defender) scores 1 point. The players now swap roles of attack and defence and continue.
The first player to win a 2 point margin wins the match.
user summary
A Card game, two players compete changing offense and defense on each round. Each player plays a card from hand alternately. Once six cards has played, a winner will be chosen according to the sum the numbers on them. The action cards will be the key to victory!
It's a compact but full-of-compete-feeling game.
publisher's summary