Designer: Tom Hinshelwood
Publisher: Wargames Journal
25/28mm modern skirmish system. Rules cover infantry and vehicles. Players are intended to use about a squad each.
The game relies on a card based activation system - each character is assigned a card and activates when it is drawn. Elite characters get a second card but receive fewer actions when it comes up.
Task rolls are done with a single six-sided die and generally scale by distance. Better trained characters receive a larger bonus to their tests.
Damage is an opposed roll (damage versus strength) and can inflict death or one of several wound states. Wounds reduce movement and penalize a character on skill tests.
The morale rules are tucked away in the back of the rules, but boil down to checking morale for certain casualty-based triggers.
The rulebook does not provide a points or scenario system, though there is a system for generating squads. Wargames Journal has published at least one scenario for the game as a free PDF download.