
38th Parallel (2003)

Rank: --
2 Players
0 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: Lloyd Krassner

Publisher: Warp Spawn Games

A two-player card game set in the Korean War. One player is the U.N., the other is the Communists. Each hand the players are dealt eight cards (Logistics Phase), after which they can discard and redraw up to four (Deployment Phase), and then the players reveal their offensive and defensive cards (Attack Phase). After resolving the interaction of the cards played in the Attack Phase, the hand is scored and the player with the highest card total wins the hand.

A player wins the war by winning three hands in a row. If neither player does so after ten hands, the war is a tie. However, there is an Atomic Bomb card which ends the game immediately when drawn, at which point victory is determined by the draw of a final card, unless the Communist player is able to negate the Atomic Bomb with a Limited War card.

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