Designer: Oriol Comas i Coma, Màrius Serra
Artist: Lupagrafics
300 fets de llengua ("300 language events") is a word/linguistics game on the history of Catalan language. It consists in 300 round cards, each one containing a brief note on a historical event related to the Catalan language and a challenge for the players. There are 10 different kinds of challenges: to create anagrams, to find words, to define words, to identify acronyms, to guess word meanings, etc.
In a game, 30 cards are selected at random: these will be the challenges to the players; and each player begins with 300 points. The game is played in turns. In a player's turn, he/she draws one of the 30 cards and reads the brief historical note and the kind of challenge. Then all players bet points to solve the challenge, before actually knowing the challenge (they just know its kind). After deducting the points bet of each player, the active player reads the challenge and the players try to solve it. All players having solved the challenge receive double the points they bet, while the higher better receives three times the points bet; the players not having solved the challenge receive nothing. After the 30 challenges have been played, the player with most points is the winner.