
20,000 Leagues under the Sea (1995)

Rank: --
2-6 Players
30 Min
Age: 5+
Complexity: --

Publisher: Octavia Games

Each player captains a ship trying to trade and sail back to port with valuable cargoes of gold, diamonds, rubies, silk, bananas and potatoes. Facing treacherous seas and avoiding Captain Nemo in the Nautilus, as well as a giant octopus, who could drag you down to the watery depths where you will have to stay until you can escape.

This is an interactive cassette adventure game played on a grid map. The cassette must be played from start to finish through the game without pausing or stopping. When somebody is talking on the cassette, play stops while the players listen to the instructions. Otherwise the players roll the die and move in turn. On the map grid there are octopus squares that the players must avoid while trying to reach the Aleutian Islands where they can collect different types of cargo. The player then has to return the cargo to their home port to earn points depending on the type of cargo. The Nautilus is also moving around the board based on instructions spoken by Captain Nemo on the cassette. If this lands on or passes over a players ship, that ship has to return to the home port.

The winner is the player to accumulate the highest cargo value when the cassette ends.

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