
1831 For our freedom and yours: Battle of Grochow (2017)

Rank: --
2 Players
120-420 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: --

Designer: Łukasz Krawczyk

Artist: Adam Niechwiej

Publisher: Strategemata

Board wargame 1831 For our freedom and yours: Battle of Grochow represents one of the most famous battles in the history of the Polish army. Players have historical forces and must act, given the historical advantages and limitations of their armies. Also important are factors such as terrain and weather conditions. Of course you can not skip the random factor.

All these aspects are described in rules which are not complicated.

Among the four scenarios it is introductory scenario - attack of Rosen’s IV corps on alder grove. This is the perfect introduction to a large battle. Players have limited forces and learn basic
rules and characteristics of the terrain. Thanks to this, the experience gained can be used in the course of the scenario for the entire battle.

Game mechanics based on random activations. However, the proper marker set reflects a better command structure of the army of Field Marshal Dybicz. Moreover, this solution provides an exciting game in which each side can take the initiative to surprise the enemy.

Three types of weapons: infantry, cavalry and artillery act according to the common rules, but each of them has its own characteristics. Success on the battlefield provides the appropriate use of the advantages of all kinds of weapons at the right moment. This is obviously the goal pursued by both players. Coordination of their own troops, and respond to your opponent moves makes Battle of Grochow a challenging game, even for experienced players.

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