
1789: Le Jeu de la Révolution Francaise (1988)

Rank: --
2-6 Players
60 Min
Age: --
Complexity: --

Game of the French Revolution

On a map of Paris in 1789, up to 6 Players have to obtain "certificats de civisme" by moving their character in the city (rolling a die) and taking part in historical events (gaining points - assignats - by answering questions on special locations). Once they have collected enough assignats they can retrieve the certificates in key Parisian Revolutionary locations:
l'Hotel de Ville - city Hall
la Bastille
les Tuileries
le Pantheon
le Champ de Mars.
Other events (spaces on the map / special cards) can alter the moves of the players or even let them win or lose the precious certificates.
The winner is the first player to obtain 5 certificates

By some of the same designers as La Révolution Francaise (Azure Wish)

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