
1676: Miniatures Skirmish Battles in the Time of King Philip's War (2016)

Rank: --
2-8 Players
60-120 Min
Age: --
Complexity: --

Pilgrim cavalry charges! Desperate attacks on fortified settlements! Daring ambushes! These are just a few of the skirmishes you can fight with 1676 - a tabletop miniatures game set in New England during the Native American uprising that became known as King Philip’s War.

The types of conflicts that occurred in King Philip’s War were usually small skirmishes that can be represented on a tabletop with these rules. You can play a native war party or a force from the Army of the United Colonies. If you want to add "fell creatures," magic, & (gasp!) European powers, there is a supplement available with these additions (Mad Dogs & Englishmen).

The core rules are provided in only 5 pages. They are simple & straightforward. Simple die rolls - using 6- & 8-sided dice - are used to resolve combat & other actions. Most actions have the same target for success, so they are resolved quickly.

You can use one of the pre-made "armies" provided in a second PDF (Part Two), or can create your own balanced forces using a simple point build system. Part Two includes unit cards, sample army lists, & all the tokens you’ll need. Alternatively, premade Unit cards, Command cards, & (Mis)Fortune cards are now available from The Game Crafter.

Both books are illustrated with photographs of figures from Brigade Games' King Philip's War line. With these figures (supplemented by those from other manufacturers), you can now easily field beautiful forces in miniature to represent the combatants.

So heed the call to arms! Your colony or tribe is depending on you!

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