
1631 Un Empire En Flammes (2016)

Rank: 14299
1-2 Players
-- Min
Age: --
Complexity: 3.00/5

1631 : Un empire en flammes est un jeu opérationnel sur l’une des plus légendaire campagne de la guerre de Trente Ans. Dans le rôle des généraux ennemis, les joueurs doivent déjouer les manœuvres de leur opposant tout en tenant compte des difficultés du ravitaillement et des changements d’alliance.

1631: An Empire in Flames is an operational level wargame of one of the most legendary campaigns of the Thirty Years War. Assuming the role of the opposing commanders, the players must outmanoeuvre their opponent, whilst tackling additional diplomatic and supply challenges.

Each turn is approximately a month with each action being 10-15 days.
The movement lines on the map are on average 60 kilometres.
Infantry and cavalry units represent 3,000 soldiers.
Artillery units represent 12 demicannon (24 pdr) and their supply train.
Garrison control markers are 500 to 1,000 men.
A point to point game by Jaakko Björklund
Complexity : 6,5/10

Available with French rules, but English rules can be downloaded from Vae Victis website.

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