
1000 Blank White Questions (2003)

Rank: --
3-6 Players
60 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: --

From the Invisible City Productions website:

A trivia game where you make up the questions for three to six players.

Object: To end the game with the most points by accurately answering trivia questions made up by your friends.

Each player gets a stack of blank cards and a pen. Before the game begins, each player makes up at least 12 trivia cards (20 or more is ideal.), bearing a question and an answer on one side. Leave the other side blank. You can make up any question you want, from factual trivia, to math or chemistry questions, to questions about your opinions or personal life. You can even create cards with false answers, but you'll suffer for it in the game.

Each player goes around the board, answering the trivia questions that his opponents made up. the player gets points and a possible extra turn for each correct answer. If the player guesses wrong, all the other players get a chance to answer the question. If none of them answers it correctly, then the player who made the question loses two points and the active player gets to take another turn.

The player with the most points at the end of he game wins!

As you can see, this is a trivia game version of 1000 Blank White Cards.

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