
10-Four, Good Buddy (1976)

Rank: 20302
2-4 Players
20 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Parker Brothers

You're truckin' now! Enter the world of big rigs and Smokies. Players try to get their truck all the way around the board before anyone else.
Play consists of players drawing a card which instructs them to spin one of the two spinners and possibly move one of two "Smokies" (Highway Patrol) or the "Bear In The Air" (Patroller in a helicopter). Smokies watch one of four "Bear Traps" covering three spaces, or can catch trucks on any space by landing on an adjoining space. The "Bear In The Air" watches one quarter of the board at a time and nabs you if you move more than seven spaces on your turn.
This game gives a really big dose of CB slang, and is a lot of fun for the whole family!

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